PACD Components
Improving Access to Potable Water
Access to clean and safe drinking water is still a major challenge for a majority of rural communities. Improving access to potable water is one of the priorities of PACD.
Boreholes drilled
Rural Communities targeted
Households to benefit
Local Government Areas
Rural Electrification
Access to affordable and reliable electricity supply is a major development challenge for The Gambia. Most of rural Gambia is without electricity. PACD seeks to close this gap by providing electricity to rural communities where.
Urban Areas
Rural Area
Rural Electrification Statistics
Districts in NBR(Lower Nuime, Upper Nuimi &Jokadou
Rural Roads Infrastructure
Feeder roads network is a major challenge for rural communities off the two major roads of the country and the quest for inclusive economic growth can hardly be achieved with this high disparity in access to transportation among rural dwellers
. The road infrastructure component of the PACD will enhance the supply chain and exchanges between communities, and therefore help to reduce poverty, eliminate hunger, and improve health, and economic growth. Development of road infrastructure will thus help in reducing inequality among rural
Food Security
This component promotes innovation and technologies to increase agricultural productivity and reduce food losses. Post harvest processing equipment will significantly reduce hard labour among rural famers, especially the rural women.
PACD Food Security Statistics
Rural Communities targeted
Local Government Areas NBR, LRR, CRR-N, CRR-S, URR & WCR)
Sustainability of Assets and Services
To ensure sustainability of assets including ensuring adequate revenue generation for the project, a Geographic Information System (GIS) was built to support the monitoring of project implementation and the effective management of assets. Community dri ven projec t monitoring was introduced using mobile technology. As part of the project implementation strategy each community will be provided with a mobile phone with user friendly software.
Sustainability of Project Assets and Services
To achieve its objective, the Programme
will target beneficiaries using the
bottom-up approach based on the
needs identified by the communities in
collaboration with the technical
ministries and agencies of government.
These needs were prioritized with
particular focus on those areas where
little investments were needed to make
a big impact (quick wins).
The key stakeholders in the PACD are
Department of Water Resources
(DWR), National Water and Electricity
Company (NAWEC), National Roads
Authority (NRA) and Department of
Community Development (DCD) and
West Africa Livestock Innovation Centre
- Improved rural access to potable water
- Improved rural access to electricity
- Improved rural roads network
- Improved access to labour-saving devices
- Access to exotic livestock breeds and increased quantity and quality of milk