Policy Formulation and Validation Workshop

Policy Formulation and Validation Workshop

March 9, 2021

Recently the PAU has been involved in policy support, both bilaterally, through committees and in validation workshops, of the following: Regional Integration Policy (MOTIE), the revised Tourism Policy (MOTC), the new National Health Policy (MOH), Civil Service Performance Management Policy (PMO), the National Defense Policy (MOD), the National Cooperative Development Policy (MOA), Ministry of Petroleum Strategic Plan (MOPE), the National Seed Policy (MOA), and the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Strategy (FIU). Two staff has also been appointed OP Focal Persons for Climate Change to collaborate with MECCNA

Event Details

Organizer : Policy Unity Director of Policy Aanlysis

Start Date : March 9, 2021

End Date : March 27, 2021

Event Venue

Venue : DSPD

Address : State House Banjul

E-mail : info@dspd.gov.gm